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During study

Curriculum / Study plans

The Bachelor's and Master's degree programs are modular, i.e. all courses are assigned to a module. In the study plans, which also exist for each minor subject, you will find the individual modules. These, in turn, can be found in the module handbooks and describe the structure of the courses, the course content, the competencies imparted and details on examinations and participation requirements.

Study plans help you to organize your studies. Since the contents of the modules partly build on each other, there are participation requirements for many modules, i.e. you must have successfully completed one or more other modules in order to participate in this module. Because of these dependencies, there are few variations for your schedule, especially in the first four semesters. For the elective and optional modules, on the other hand, you should be guided by your interests.

Please note that the rotation of the elective and optional modules of the Bachelor's programs in Computer Science and Applied Computer Science and the subject Computer Science of the teacher training programs as well as the basic and advanced modules of the Master's programs in Computer Science and Applied Computer Science can change. Some modules are offered regularly others irregularly as announced. Therefore, the large number of curricula cannot be adjusted to the current situation every semester. Students should pay attention to the preview of the next semesters.